Where is Daan?

What happens when you give a Knab employee a safe with €5,555 net, go into hiding for two weeks and organize a big fat manhunt? Then you go completely crazy of course!

Knab recently turned five years old, and he who has a birthday treats. Only a normal treat is very boring. How can we celebrate the birthday in a playful way and generate as much reach as possible in the Netherlands? We organized a digital manhunt for Daan, a fictional developer at Knab. Did you find Daan? Then you won €5,555. But not just like that. In 5 rounds, participants had to use cryptic riddles to find out the city, date, time, location and code of the safe to finally go home with the prize after a live denouement.

See the whole story in the case film:

Age Huitema
Senior Marketer
'The 'Where is Daan' campaign has been by far the coolest and most challenging campaign I have had the pleasure of working on so far. What started out as a vague and abstract idea was quickly developed into a very exciting activation campaign. The support of Lijm was absolutely indispensable, both creatively and organizationally.