Tap for tips! Instagram for the greater good

In addition to selfies, crazy pranks, fashion, music releases and interior styling, we also find those who use the platform for a greater good. In this Tap for Tips, we share the Instagrammers who want to teach their followers something, give tips on how to do better and take action.

Sonita Alizadeh

This Afghan rap star and human rights activist opposes the compulsory marriage of young girls. She came to attention in 2014 thanks to her rap video “Brides for Sale,” which was about Sonita’s family trying to sell her as a bride.

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Diederik Gommers

Gommers recently started his Instagram account-underthe watchful eye of Famke Louise, with whom he is starting a campaign-because he wants to provide youth with clear and correct answers regarding the Coronavirus. Of course, everyone wanted to like and follow good guy Gommers immediately, bringing him to 270K followers in record time. On his account, he shares updates on the virus and tips on what people can do themselves to master the virus.

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Sir David Attenborough

Another new Instagrammer off to a flying start! Sir David Attenborough broke the record: over 3 million followers in a day and a half. Through a video on Instagram, the world-renowned nature documentary presenter announced that he will use what is for him a new way of communication to warn young people about the impact of climate change. He wants to educate followers on his channel about climate change and explain in videos what they can do about it.

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