Ai, here it really comes…. The curfew. How are you supposed to fill your evenings, now that there’s no more evening walk or nightcap at that good friend’s house? Time to dive back into those socials! And may we now have the finest tips for you. Plenty to discover on The Gram!
Concertgebouw Orchestra
Tonight through Feb. 9, the Concertgebouw Orchestra will give a virtual mini-concert daily at exactly 9 p.m. via Instagram Live. A whole new experience, just at your home on the couch!

Racking your brains & entertaining every night….
On the Insta of Raadsl you will find the funniest riddles, dilemmas and crazy facts! Fun to play alone, as well as with your household.

Netflix almost played out already? Follow the channel to stay up to date with the latest releases, great viewing tips ánd the funniest jokes and games! Evenings of new viewing pleasure guaranteed 😉

Always up to date on the latest Tap for Tips? Follow us on Instagram!