The countdown is on! On June 11, the starting gun for the European Football Championship will sound. A month of excitement and thrills, with lots of orange craziness! The more orange, the better. Every European Championship there are wildly popular Orange gadgets that cannot be left out of the tournament. What is the state of craziness this year?
1. Lidl
From head to toe more orange than orange, namely: fluorescent orange! A complete EK outfit, including fluorescent orange T-shirt, fluorescent orange jogging pants, fluorescent orange leggings, fluorescent orange slippers, socks, mouth caps and much more! So you can be fully prepared to follow all the European Championship matches. Hup Holland Hup! Warning: The Fluor orange clothing is super bright and can hurt your eyes 😉

2. Jumbo
To the left! To the right!!! With the Jumbo cheering cape, in cooperation with Snollebollekes. Cheer on our athletes as a superfan and make it an orange party.

2. Bavaria
Happiness is in small pants. In collaboration with boxer shorts brand Pockies, Bavaria developed a “lucky pair of shorts” based on the shirt worn by the Dutch national team during the legendary 1988 European Cup final match. The lucky shorts will be included with a “Lucky 7-pack” of Bavaria lager starting next week.