Tap for Tips! 5x politics on Insta

The elections are just around the corner! Many a politician can already be found on Insta but there is more and better on Insta. Accounts that help you choose, explain issues or just for fun! Below are 4 accounts about politics on Instagram!

1 Politics Netherlands

Brief updates on the Dutch elections especially for young people. Understanding and social proof.

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2. Your Politics

No idea who to vote for? Your politics helps you with very clear illustrations and infographics. You can’t get it any clearer.

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3. Vote for a woman

Do you also think it’s important to have more women at the top of politics? Then follow Vote for a Woman! They give you helpful tips and tricks on how you can do your part in that.

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4. Check your voice

A super easy overview of various propositions and the positions of the well-known parties in them. This way you can easily see which party wants the same thing as you.

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5. Political youth

All kinds of political news especially for young people. Tweets, articles and tips, you’ll find it all here!

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