Tap for Tips! 3 Insta accounts to make your lockdown more bearable

We are in the middle of it. Lockdown numero dos! Okay, it is indeed not ideal to have to sit at home all day but look at the bright side: more time to spend on social. Therefore, here we have listed some Insta accounts for you that are going to make your lockdown more bearable. Follow along!

1. Lockdown love stories

Stories from around the world related to love during this lockdown. Crazy dates, skin hunger a swipe thumb everything passes by.

Schermafbeelding 2020 12 16 om 16.03.25

2. Lockdown plants

Do you get stressed by the lockdown? Then follow Lockdown plants, because plants reduce stress. The creators of this Insta must have thought so, too. They teach you all about plants and the pictures calm you down completely.

Schermafbeelding 2020 12 16 om 16.07.29

3. Escape From Lockdown

Puzzle lovers beware! Escape From Lockdown will keep you busy for some time to come. Different puzzles that you have to solve by using the Internet and all your senses. Next Dec. 24, they will go wild again. Note: This is not for the cowardly puzzler!

Schermafbeelding 2020 12 16 om 16.13.23