Instagram marketing: how does it work? 🧩

The Instagram puzzle 🧩

How do you turn followers into a community?

More than beautiful pictures 📸

How do you turn followers into a community?

Engagement on Instagram 💬

Instagram’s unique challenges provide wonderful opportunities to create and share.

Building an engaged community 🏠

A consistent message

1. Instagram Marketing Tefal2

Instagram is much more than a place for attractive photos and stories. It is an interesting platform for companies to market their products and services. With more than a billion monthly active users, Instagram offers unprecedented potential for your brand.

But how do you turn this opportunity into a success? The key lies in understanding Instagram’s unique features. The right Instagram marketing strategy requires planning, creativity, and analysis. You need to understand your target audience, create interesting content and measure your results. All this to ensure that you are not only seen, but that you make a lasting impression. With the right approach, Instagram will become an indispensable tool in your social media strategy.

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Building an engaged community 🏠

It starts with understanding who your community is and what they want. It’s about listening to your audience and responding to their needs. With 60% of people discovering new products through Instagram, you need to know what they are looking for and how to offer it (source: Hubspot).

In addition, community management is also about consistency. You need to post regularly, communicate regularly, and have a clear and consistent message. Your community needs to know what to expect and why they should continue to follow your Instagram. Perhaps the most important thing is authenticity. Your community wants to know who you really are. They want to see the people behind the brand, feel the passion and understand the values.


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1. Instagram Marketing Tefal
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Engagement on Instagram 💬

Engagement on Instagram is not just collecting likes and followers. What does engagement actually mean? It is the interaction between your brand and your audience. It is the comments, the questions, the shared experiences, and the authentic connections you build. Creating engagement takes time, work and insight. It’s not just about what you say, but how and when you say it. It’s about understanding your audience, knowing their interests, and creating content that fits them.

The important thing to remember is that building engagement and maintaining community management is a two-way street. It’s not just about getting your message out, but also about listening to what your audience is saying. Participating in conversations and showing that your brand is more than a logo is essential. When you build engagement, you build community. You transform followers into fans, and fans into ambassadors. You create a vibrant and engaged community that not only buys your products but also cares about them.

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We see the bigger picture 🎨

At Glue, we don’t just see the pixels and statistics; we see the bigger picture. Instagram is more than a social media platform; it is a place for business, engagement, and building community. It is a place where brands and people come together to grow and prosper. With the right approach and a collaboration with the right partner, the road to success is within reach. Wondering what we can do for you? Get in touch!

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IMG 8415 5 scaled
Instagram marketing is a powerful tool to grow your brand by sharing visual content and connecting with your target audience. By regularly posting engaging photos and videos, using relevant hashtags and interacting with followers, you increase your brand awareness and engagement.
Integrating Instagram marketing into your overall strategy includes identifying how Instagram fits with your brand, creating consistent branding and developing content that appeals to your target audience. We can help you with this!
Instagram stories are ideal for sharing short-lived, engaging content. We can advise you on creative ideas, such as polls, questions and interactive elements to make your stories stand out.