Capitalizing on the European Championship: THE Opportunity for Your Social Media Strategy

The European Championship (EC) has started again and that means only one thing for brands: the perfect opportunity to boost your marketing strategy! The European Championship, with its global audience and passionate fans, offers many opportunities for brands to be visible and increase engagement. In this blog post, we explain why the EC is such a great time to get involved, how best to go about it and what the options are.


The European Championship is not only a sporting highlight, but also a cultural phenomenon that brings together millions of people. For the Netherlands, Louis van Gaal’s team plays an important role. Van Gaal expressed good expectations about the Dutch team’s chances. According to him, Orange has a strong selection and the prospects are positive. This provides an extra boost in national pride and involvement, which you can leverage in your campaign.

In matches in which the Netherlands plays, such as the crucial group matches and hopefully further into the tournament, all of the Netherlands is glued to the tube. This provides a unique opportunity to be visible in a creative and relevant way.

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How best to approach this

  • Timing: Plan your posts around the games of the Dutch national team. This is the time when most attention is focused on the EC.
  • Inhakers: Use relevant hashtags and capitalize on current events and results. A well-timed catch-up can go viral and bring a lot of visibility.
  • Influencers: Work with influencers who have a strong connection to soccer and sports. They can promote your brand in an authentic way and reach a wider audience .

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What to consider

  • Relevance: Make sure your catches are relevant to your brand and target audience. A forced clutch can be counterproductive.
  • Authenticity: Be authentic in your communication. Fans recognize when a brand tries to hitch a ride without real involvement in the event.
  • Rules and Rights: Be aware of the rules surrounding the use of European Championship-related images and logos. Violating these rights can lead to legal problems .

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The opportunities to capitalize on the European Championship are endless. A few ideas to stimulate creativity:

  • Online Competitions: Organize competitions and give away European Championship-related prizes. This increases engagement and interaction with your followers.
  • Content series: Create a series of posts or videos that keep recurring throughout the tournament. This keeps your audience engaged and builds expectation.
  • User-Generated Content (UGC): Encourage your followers to share their own content related to the European Championship and your brand. UGC increases engagement and creates an authentic connection with your audience.

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We will help you further

The European Championship offers a unique opportunity to put your brand on the map and increase audience engagement. By strategically capitalizing on the games and atmosphere surrounding the tournament, you can take your marketing efforts to the next level.

Glue is ready to help you every step of this process. Contact us today and find out how we can make your EK campaigns a huge success! 💪🎉⚽

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Lijm Amsterdam | Social Bureau