City of Amsterdam: Stay Social

Together with the City of Amsterdam, we are tackling litter with the ‘Stay Social!’ campaign. Which filter do you use to clean up the park? This campaign encourages young people to leave the park as clean as they make it look on social media. Unfortunately, not every story disappears after 24 hours…

Due to the Corona pandemic and its restrictive measures, more and more Amsterdam residents are flocking to parks, but unfortunately, not everyone is cleaning up their waste properly afterward. To tackle the growing litter problem in Amsterdam’s parks, we launched the ‘Stay Social’ campaign on behalf of the Municipality of Amsterdam.

On social media, the perfect picture is often crafted with a good pose, a beautiful smile, filters, and GIFs—unfortunately, cleaning up in reality isn’t as easy.

The campaign urges you to leave the park as clean as you present it on social media. While a story on Instagram or Snapchat may disappear after 24 hours, the consequences in the real world persist. The campaign dives deep into the experiences of its target audience, using terms, interfaces, and a style that resonate on the platforms they frequent, complete with social-style music and tone of voice.